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Always follow the Party -- The Party Committee of Tsinghua Affiliated High School organized the whole school staff to carry out various forms of Party history learning and education

Release time: 2021-09-09 Author: Hits:

Always follow the Party -- The Party Committee of Tsinghua Affiliated High School organized the whole school staff to carry out various forms of Party history learning and education

In order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Party Committee of Tsinghua Affiliated High School actively responded to the call and acted quickly to formulate and deploy the Implementation Plan for Party History Learning and Education in Tsinghua Affiliated High School throughout the year, organizing the faculty and staff of the school to carry out Party history learning and education in a rich and diverse form, carrying forward the red culture and inheriting the red gene。The study and education of Party history not only deepens the teachers' understanding of Party history, but also enables the teachers to integrate the learning and perception into the daily teaching and education work of the school, unswervingly listen to the Party and follow the Party, and cultivate socialist builders and successors who can take on great responsibilities。

First, the Party history study and education thematic study

According to the deployment of the Party Central Committee and the Party Committee of Tsinghua University, the Party Committee of the Affiliated High School of Tsinghua University organized two symposia on the study of Party history and education. Jiang Shengyao, Executive deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Tsinghua University, Jin Jianbin, Li Xihao and Qian Haojun attended the meeting。The seminar focused on learning the glorious history of the Communist Party of China for one hundred years and the great spirit of the Spiritual Pedigree of Chinese Communists。

Party history study and education special focus study seminar site

At the seminar, Jiang Shengyao, executive deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Tsinghua University, stressed that in the course of 100 years, countless pioneers have stood firm in their faith under the challenge of hardships。Today's earth-shaking development more effectively reflects the superiority of socialism, all our party members should more consciously integrate the original intention and mission into the work practice, more consciously achieve "four self-confidence, two maintenance"。The stronger the faith of teachers and students, the stronger the school。Inheriting the great spirit, red and specialized is the background color of Tsinghua people!

Jiang Shengyao, Executive Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Tsinghua University, attended the meeting and delivered a speech

The Theoretical Center group of Tsinghua Affiliated High School participated in the Party history learning and education mobilization conference held by the Party Committee of Tsinghua University, and studied the special report of "Knowing history and Drawing Strength from Today and Forging ahead to open up a New Bureau",Combined with the unique location of the school,Went to Yuanmingyuan to study the historical quality on site,Yan Jiazhen, a retired history teacher from the High School attached to Tsinghua University, was invited to take the rise and fall of the Old Summer Palace as a historical comparison,A deep understanding of the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the choice of history and the choice of the people!

Tsinghua Affiliated High School Theory Center group at the site of the Summer Palace learning group photo

Second, "sound in its environment" Party history story reading

The wechat public account of the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University, "Party Building Study", was officially launched on March 22. During the 100 days from March 23 to June 30, a story titled "Century-old Party History in Literature" (Xuelin Publishing House, author Li Ying), read by Party members of our university, was pushed every day。100 Party members spent 100 days leading the whole school to learn and understand 100 years of Party history。As of June 29, the "Party Building Learning number" has pushed 99 party history stories, and the Party members in the Affiliated Middle School have made the Party history learning in the ear, into the heart, and into the line in the way of "voice in its environment"。

Party history story every day read the 99th wechat push

On April 8, the Party Committee of Tsinghua Affiliated High School invited Li Ying, director of the second Research Department of the Central Institute of Party History and Literature and author of the Century-old Party History in Literature, to make a special guidance report on "Drawing Wisdom and Strength from the Century-old Party History" for teachers and students of the whole school。报告围绕习近平总书记关于党的历史的重要论述、回顾中国共产党百年奋斗的光辉历程以及中国共产党百年奋斗的光辉历程的经验总结三方面展开。Li Ying's teaching greatly encouraged all the teachers and students of Affiliated High School to learn and master the confidence and enthusiasm of the Party history!

Li Ying, director of the Second Research Department of the Institute of Party History and Literature of the CPC Central Committee and author of Century-old Party History in Literature, gave a report

Presentation site

Third, all Party branches carry out Party history study and education

(1) In-service Party branches carry out Party history learning and education

On May 27, the Party Committee of the Affiliated High School of Tsinghua University organized the in-service party branches to carry out Party history learning and education。All party branches first remember the glorious history, understand the great contribution, understand the original purpose, inherit the great spirit, and then carry out theoretical learning。

The Language and Art teaching and research group, together with the Party branch, studied the excellent spiritual qualities of the Communists in different historical periods, such as the spirit of Jinggangshan, the spirit of the Long March, and the spirit of Yan 'an


The Foreign Language Sports teaching and Research group, together with the Party Branch, conducted a literature study on the research questions of "How to internalize the red gene and the great spirit in the heart and externalize in the practice after studying the theory of Party history" and "How to organically integrate the original mission of Party members with education and teaching, so that the Chinese spirit can take root in the hearts of students in the Affiliated High School"

The education staff and the Party branch of the International Department carried out a series of special activities on rural revitalization, and the party members of the branch made a field investigation report on the aesthetic case of party building in Xiuwu County, Henan Province

Science and Chemistry Teaching and Research Group and Party Branch organized "Party History Knowledge Contest"

Political history and land teaching and research group together with the Party branch to learn Mr. Yuan Longping's glorious deeds

此外,To further strengthen the party history, school history learning education,The party members and young teachers of the High School affiliated to Tsinghua University watched the modern Sichuan Opera "Sister Jiang";The Party branch of Mathematics and Technology Alliance organized party members to visit and study in the Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution;The teaching and research group of Science and Chemistry jointly organized the premiere of the documentary film "University"。

Tsinghua Affiliated High School watching Sichuan Opera "Sister Jiang" part of the party members

The Party branch of the Mathematics and Technology Alliance revisited the oath of joining the Party in the Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution

The teaching and research group of Lihua students and the Party branch took a group photo with Wang Jing, one of the directors of "University"

The Party Committee of the University launched the exhibition "Willing to Commit oneself to the country - Tsinghua People in the" Two bombs and One Star "Founders" in the hall of the first floor of Huachen Building for the teachers and students of the whole school。The Youth League Committee of the Affiliated High School of Tsinghua University organized the volunteers of the "Lotus Voice" explaining group to explain the exhibition。Through watching the exhibition, the teachers and students of the whole school have a better understanding of the history and noble style of the older generation of Tsinghua people's struggle for the country。

"Willing to commit oneself to the country -" Two bombs and one star "of the founding fathers of Tsinghua" exhibition

(2) Retired Party branches carry out Party history learning and education

The Party Committee of the Affiliated High School of Tsinghua University organized the retired Party branch to visit the "Great Journey - Special Exhibition Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China" and the "110-year History Exhibition of Tsinghua University" in the Capital Museum.。Through the visit, the old comrades revisited the magnificent revolutionary years and felt the century-old mission of the original heart。

Retired Members of Tsinghua High School visit "The Great Journey - Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China"

Old comrades visit "110 Years of Tsinghua University History Exhibition"

The retired Party branch of the Affiliated High School of Tsinghua University organized to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party

Iv. "I do practical things for the masses"

4月20日,冰球突破豪华版网页版党委召开党支部书记会议,学习习近平总书记在Tsinghua University考察时重要讲话并部署工作。According to the deployment arrangement of Tsinghua University's "Implementation Plan for Party History Learning and Education",The Party Committee of Affiliated Middle School organizes the party branches to carry out practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses",Each branch is required to play the main role,Organize in-service staff members in accordance with their own realities, based on their own work,Carry out the activities of "Learning Party history, fulfilling Promises and seeing actions",Strengthen Party members' awareness and responsibility of serving the people。

The leading team of the Affiliated High School established the theme research practice of "Helping young teachers develop and building a team of high-quality professional teachers"。With the young teachers' growth Plan as the platform, in combination with the actual situation, various forms of activities such as symposiums, expert reports, theme practices, and youth sports games have been held respectively. Up to now, a total of 8 activities have been held covering 300 people, effectively promoting the all-round development of young teachers。

The Party Committee of the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University organized a special activity of the Chinese teaching and research group of young teachers Salon, visited the reading room of ancient books in Li Wenzheng Library of Tsinghua University and took a photo

The Party Committee of the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University organized a special activity for the education staff of the young teachers Salon and invited the person in charge of the learning and development team of Lenovo Group to give a special lecture on the Introduction of the Methodology of Duplicature

The Party Committee of the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University organized a special activity for young teachers to salon Science and Chemistry students, and invited Wu Guosheng, professor and dean of the Department of History of Science of Tsinghua University, director of the Science Museum of Tsinghua University, and corresponding academician of the International Institute of History of Science, to give a special lecture on Newton's Apple Myth

On May 9, Tsinghua High School held the first Young Staff Sports Meeting。More than 150 party and government leaders, teaching and research groups and functional departments of Tsinghua High School participated in the activity。Fang Yan, secretary of the Party Committee of the Affiliated High School of Tsinghua University, delivered the opening speech, hoping that the youth of the Affiliated High School would take this opportunity to strengthen their body and temper their will, so that the Tsinghua sports spirit of "working for the health of the motherland for 50 years" would be passed down from generation to generation。After the end of the official competition, the present staff participated in the "100 people 100 meters to welcome 100 years" flash mob activity, in the form of the special form of the attached High School to the 100th anniversary of the great Communist Party of China!

Gift centennial flash mob activity

In addition, some Party branches of the school also carried out "I do practical things for the masses" activities to create a good atmosphere and meet the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party with practical actions。

Education staff and Party members of the International Department participated in the on-site volunteer service of Qinghuayuan Street vaccination

The Mathematics and Technology Teaching and research group, together with the Party branch, carried out the first garbage cleaning activity on campus

Lihua Student teaching and research group, together with the Party branch, Haidian District Shangdi School District Management Center Party organization, for community middle school students to carry out free online Q&A

The political history and land teaching and research group, together with the Party branch, carefully designed the "Party History Reading Month" activity of the school's four grades (first, second, first and second) and created the design scheme of the campus exhibition board

According to the deployment of the superior party organization, the Party Committee of Tsinghua Affiliated High School organized the majority of Party members to carry out the "Communist Party members offer love" donation activities during the "July 1" period, guiding the majority of Party members to stick to the original mission, fully show the spirit of service and dedication, and present gifts to the Party's centennial birthday with practical actions。

Tsinghua High School Affiliated to the retired party members love donation

开展党史学习教育,对于总结历史经验,牢记初心使命、坚持正确方向,对于深入学习领会习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想具有重大理论意义。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "The centenary of our Party is a centenary of fulfilling the mission of the original heart, a centenary of trekking, and a centenary of creating brilliance and opening up the future。As teachers of Tsinghua High School, we should adhere to the original mission of educating people for the Party and talents for the country, strengthen morality and cultivate people in learning, practice and enlightenment, and welcome the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China with excellent results!

Materials provided by: Tsinghua Affiliated High School Party Committee

Organizing: Gao Hongchao

Review: Fang Yan Zhang Jie Party victory army

Office Tel: 62784695

Address: North of Tsinghua University, Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing

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